What To Expect
It doesn’t matter if this is your first visit to a church your you are a long time attendee of another church; when you walk through the front doors of Beech Creek Wesleyan Church you will find a friendly and inviting atmosphere with people of all age brackets ready to welcome you in no matter what stage of your life or belief you are in. You won’t be singled out as a visitor but we can’t guarantee that people won’t notice you and approach you to just say “hi”.
We hold a single Sunday morning worship service where you will experience a relaxed atmosphere with different musical selections, multimedia, regular prayer and most importantly biblical messages. Dress as you please – we don’t require you to wear your “Sunday best” but if you want to; we don’t mind that either! During the Sunday morning worship service there is Nursery and Junior church available for kids within respective classrooms.
Whatever your life scenario is we want to welcome you to Beech creek Wesleyan Church and most of all we want to help you grow your relationship with God and his son Jesus Christ. We hope to welcome you soon. If you need further information please take a look at our ministry information or even contact us for information you can’t seem to locate.
| Learn More – Sunday Worship Service
| Contact Us – For More Information
Who We Are
The Wesleyan Church is a Protestant, evangelical, holiness denomination with a rich heritage. We have seen it as our special mission to emphasize the message of “full salvation from all sin.” We teach that a victorious Christian life is possible for all believers through the experience of both forgiveness of sins and the filling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our ministries emphasize practical Bible teaching, uplifting worship and special programs to meet a variety of life needs.
With World Headquarters in Fishers, Indiana, The Wesleyan Church has nearly 525,000 constituents in 6,000 churches worldwide and missions in nearly 100 countries of the world. Formed in 1968 resulting from the mergers between several like-minded groups, dating back as far as 1843, The Wesleyan Church has its roots in John Wesley’s Methodism.
Our Vision
The Wesleyan Church’s vision is transforming lives, churches and communities through the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission Statement
To exalt Jesus Christ by Evangelizing the lost, Disciplining the believers, Equipping the Church and Ministering to Society.
What We Believe
Wesleyans believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all who put their faith in Him alone for eternal life.
We believe that those who are made new in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord’s Spirit. We believe in the Bible and its sufficiency to establish our faith and conduct. We believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and be made new in Christ. We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds.
| Read More – Our Core Values & Beliefs
| Read More – The Articles of Religion
| Read More – The Full Wesleyan Beliefs
| Read More – The Wesleyan Position Statements
Our Church History
A look at the people and events that have shaped the Beech Creek Wesleyan Church into what it is today.
- The Reverend W.E. Straub and The Reverend Dubendorf began holding religious services in the Beech Creek area prior to 1921, but met with opposition from numerous sources.
- October 16, 1921: The Reverends Straub and Dubendorf organized as International Holiness Church of Beech Creek.
- May 5, 1922: Trustees Harry Confer, Ray Bullock, Maude Confer, Fred Bechdel, Harris Bechdel, Russell Knarr and Clara Wilson purchased a home and a lot at the corner of Main Street and Maple Avenue for $900.00. The 1st floor of the home was used for worship services and the 2nd floor for the ministers home. This home now serves as the parsonage for our church.
- May 1933: The church board voted to buy a building from the Scootac Mining Company which had ceased operations at Bear Swamp. The building chosen had housed the mine superintendent and was purchased for $100.00. The building had to be torn down, moved to the current lot and erected as a church. The cornerstone of the existing church building bears the date 1933.
- May 1935: An $800.00 loan was approved to complete the reconstruction of the church building.
- June 26, 1968: The denomination name changed from Pilgrim Holiness Church to the Wesleyan Church.
- 1977: The addition was added to the rear of the parsonage which provided a classroom/fellowship area on the first floor and additional bedrooms on the 2nd floor.
- 1996: The Edward Mace memorial provided funds to begin a “makeover” of the church with new pews and lighting fixtures. This turned into the “Nehemiah Project”, in which the whole congregation contributed funds and/or labor towards new carpet, wallpaper, paint and window dressings.
- 2007: The congregation purchased a 4.4 acre lot a short distance down the road from the existing church with the intention that it would someday serve as the home for Beech Creek Wesleyan Church.
- May 2010: A “Building for Life” campaign was kicked off in order to start funding for the Beech Creek Wesleyan Church Building Project and was off to an awesome start with “Miracle Sunday” donations & commitments totaling over $400,000.00 for a three year period starting June 1st.
- May 2011: In the beginning of the month a groundbreaking service was held on the property of the new church facility dedicating the ground to the work of the Lord and at the end of the month ground was broken with heavy equipment and construction had begun.
- June 2011: A missions team from the Carlisle Brethren in Christ church utilized many, many hands to convert a large empty concrete slab on the earth to a fully standing structure with walls and a roof within one week of work. The awesome vision of the new church facility was now a reality that you could actually touch and walk inside of.
- January 2012: With completion of the new Beech Creek Wesleyan Church facility in view the sale of the existing church and parsonage on Maple Avenue was agreed upon and quickly had buyers in line.
- February 2012: After many months of laboring by many different parties both internal and external to the church and a few hurtles that only prayer could have gotten us past; the new Beech Creek Wesleyan Church facility was awarded occupancy and held it’s first service on Sunday February 19th 2012. You can read more about the church building project on this page.