Tuesday May 26th, 2020
Dear BCW Church Family,
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Risen Lord. This has been a season like none other in our lifetimes. Words can’t express how much we’ve missed seeing you over the past two and a half months. As things begin to open up again, making a decision on the right time to begin in gathering in person has been difficult. At the heart of our decision is your safety and the safety of our community. I am so grateful for your prayers for the Local Board of Administration. In their recent meetings they have been discussing a pathway forward to getting us back to being together at the Church for Worship! We have south the advice of the PennYork District of the Wesleyan Church, State officials and Federal Guidelines. After a great deal of prayer, research and discussion, I am so pleased that we are targeting the date of June 7th 2020 as the date to begin in person gatherings with compliance to the CDC requirements.
We understand that those who are most vulnerable, because of medical conditions or age, may choose to refrain from gathering, and that’s okay. For others, the thought of in person gathering may be uncomfortable for now, and we want you to know that’s okay. Your safety and well-being are important to us. We will continue the Live Stream on Facebook each week and we encourage you to continue to participate in that format while staying safely at home.
For those who are comfortable with in person gathering, there are a number of guidelines that we are required to implement to meet CDC Requirements and for the safety of all who gather. Following their guidelines, the following will be implemented for in person gathering.
- If you are not feeling well. Please stay home.
- Masks will be required for all who gather – because of the limited supply of masks we ask that you provide your own mask.
- We ask that you enter by the front doors only.
- Social Distancing is required – Families who live under the same roof may sit together. Others are asked to leave 4 chairs between you and the next guest. Every other row of chairs will be blocked off in insure Social Distancing.
- To maintain good Social Distancing; we ask that you not shake hands, hug or even elbow bump. We also ask that you maintain six feet between you and other guests at all times.
- The front doors will be opened at 8:30 AM and we ask that you come directly into the building and take your seat in the sanctuary.
- There will be no Children’s Sunday School or Nursery. Children will need to remain with their parents in the Sanctuary. We will not have Penny March during this time.
- The Nursery will not be available at this time. Changing tables are located in both restrooms.
- The Coffee Bar will not be available at this time.
- Small Group Ministries including Sunday School, Evening Service, Mid-Week Bible Studies, Sonshine Club, and Youth Group will not meet in person during this time. We will continue the Zoom format and attempt to expand ministries in this format for now.
- Hand washing is essential. Hand sanitizing stations will be available in the lobby and we ask that you sanitize on the way in and on the way out.
- The Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the seats in the Sanctuary during this time so we encourage you to bring your own Bible.
- To insure that we are able to maintain the Social Distancing guidelines of 100 or less, (Under new Church guidelines by the Governor, we are permitted to have 50% of our capacity) you will need to let us know if you plan on attending by calling or emailing your name and the number of seats for your family by Friday each week. This will allow us to make necessary adjustments for all who wish to attend. (Phone 570-962-2732 and Email beechcreekwesleyan@gmail.com)
- Offering plates will be set on tables near the back of the sanctuary. We will not pass the offering plates around during this time. We ask that you simply place your offering in the plates when you come in or as you leave.
- We will not be passing out bulletins or other material during this time.
- The building will be disinfected prior to use and following each use during this time.
By following the above guidelines it is our goal to ensure a safe environment where we can gather and Worship the Lord together. The restrictions will be in place until we can safely reduce them. Thank you so much for your understanding as we move through this very unusual crisis. We appreciate your prayers for us and your Church during this time of transition. You are a vital part of the Beech Creek Wesleyan Church Family. We look forward to serving the Lord together and greater ares of ministry in the days to come. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Alan S. Eckenroad
Wednesday April 1st, 2020
Dear BCW Church Family,
I hope that you are healthy and well. As we live through this substantial time in history my prayer is for your protection and provision. Some day we will look back on these days and we’ll recognize how God has helped us. Last evening, the Local Board of Administration met via Zoom/Conference Call to set the course for the month ahead. After looking at the CDC guidelines, the LBA cancelled all gatherings throughout April. This applies to Worship Services, Sunday School, Children’s Ministries, Youth Ministries, Mid Week Bible Study groups and the Sonshine Club. As a Faith Community, we want to lead the way in caring for the heath and safety of the congregation and our community. These are difficult days but in the end we will see that our decisions to take drastic measures will pay off in health and protection for many.
We will continue to live stream our Sunday Worship Service on Facebook Live at 9:00 am. We have had a very good response to the Live Stream each week. I encourage you to invite your family and friends to share in the Live Stream. The Live Stream can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/BeechCreekWesleyanChurch
Children’s Sunday School materials have beem sent out to you for use with our Children. Thank you to Carrie Walker our Jr Sunday School Superintendent for these materials.
We will continue posting readings of children’s books from the Church Library each day. You can find these on the Beech Creek Wesleyan Facebook page. Thank you Lorie Eckenroad and Jennifer Sholley for reading this week.
We will also continue to our Bible Study “Path to the Cross” on Wednesday evenings utilizing Right Now Media.
I want to thank you for your faithfulness in giving. We will keep the three options for giving in place as we move forward.
- You may drop your offering off at the church between 10 AM – 3 PM Tuesday through Friday
- You may mail your offering to Beech Creek Wesleyan, PO Box 39, Beech Creek, PA 16822
- You may give online at here.
Thank you to the designated group of people that are making calls and touching base with each of the members of the congregation. Please be sure to share your prayer needs with them so that we will know how to pray for you.
Alan S. Eckenroad
Wednesday March 18th, 2020
Dear BCW Church Family,
As we continue to follow the recommendations set forth by the CDC and trying to figure out how that impacts all the normal routines of work and life. Last evening the Church Board met to discuss how we as a Church should proceed forward in light of the Coronavirus. Here are the steps that were enacted by the Church Board last evening.
In an interest to protect each of you and our community from exposure and spread of the Coronavirus we are making the following schedule adjustments. We have cleared our entire schedule through April 1st at this point in time. This means that we will have no group gatherings during this time period. This impacts things such as Sunday Worship Gatherings, Sunday School, Evening Service, Kid’s Club, Youth Group, Mid Week Bible Studies and Men’s Breakfast. We will continue to have Counseling Ministries and the daily operation of the Church.
While we will not have a worship gathering here at the Church on Sunday mornings during this time period; we will attempt to have a Live Stream of a Morning Worship Service at 9:00 am on the next two Sundays.
The Live Stream can be found on Facebook at facebook.com/BeechCreekWesleyanChurch
We will also be opening the Church during the week and encourage you to stop by and spend a little time meditating on God’s Word and in Prayer. The Church will be open from 10:00 am – 7:00 pm Tuesday – Friday.
I want to remind you of two resources that may be beneficial to you during this time.
- We have an outstanding Church Library that is a tremendous resource to you and your family during this time. There are excellent spiritual resources that your can check out and take home such as DVD Movies and Books. The Church library is located in two areas, the table in the lobby and the library room toward in the hall near the coffee bar. Simply sign the card and place in the the box to check out the item. When done, return to the box below the table in the lobby.
- A service that the church offers to you is Rightnow Media. This is a streaming video service with excellent programming available to children and adults alike. Parents this children’s materials is biblical and safe for your kids. If you haven’t subscribed yet just click on this link to set up your account. The account is free to you. https://www.rightnowmedia.org/account/invite/BeechCreekWesleyanChurch
As we continue to adjust our schedules and respond in ways that promote health and safety by social distancing, there is a continued need to be faithful in our giving of Tithes and Offerings. By not having a regular gathering, we have to be creative in how can remain faithful in giving. Here are a few ideas.
- You may choose to give online at beechcreekwesleyan.org/online-giving/. This will take you to the giving page where you then click on the green words “Donate to Beech Creek Wesleyan Church”
- Offerings may be mailed to the Church at: Beech Creek Wesleyan Church, PO Box 39, Beech Creek, PA 16822
- If you stop by the church throughout the week you may slide your offering under the office door near the coffee bar.
Whatever mode you choose, thank you in advance for your faithfulness in giving that allows God’s Church to continue to function and assist in meeting the needs of our Congregation and Community!
These are extraordinary days that require extraordinary choices and actions. I am so grateful that we serve an extraordinary God who is able to keep us and able to work in the midst of the crisis that we face personally, Nationally and Globally. Let’s continue to call on Him and Trust in His Divine guidance! Together we will endure through this difficult season.
Alan S. Eckenroad